JMO Jom Mengaji dan Menuntut Ilmu Online

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Adakah and ingin belajar Mengaji dan matapelajaran Akademik? Adakah anak-anak anda perlukan bimbingan dalam Al-Quran dan matapelajaran akademik? JMO Jom Mengaji dan Menuntut Ilmu Online adalah app yang anda perlukan. Muat turun JMO Student app di Google Play Store dan Apple App Store. Follow IG @jmojommengajionline untuk maklumat lanjut

Maksud mengaji dalam bahasa Melayu ialah menuntut ilmu. Sesiapa sahaja boleh belajar and berkongsi ilmu Al-Quran dan Akademik pada bila-bila masa dan dimana-mana sahaja, secara one-to-one ataupun kuliah/ ceramah, secara dalam talian, pada harga berpatutan. Dalam Al-Quran, Ustaz dan Ustazah yang anda pilih boleh mengajar anda membaca Al-Quran secara dalam talian, termasuk tajwid. Dalam Akademik, tenaga pengajar boleh membimbing anda dalam matapelajaran Fizik, Kimia, Biologi, Matematik, Matematik Tambahan, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Mandarin, Bahasa Tamil, Akaun, Sejarah dan Komputer. Muat turun JMO Student app di Google Play Store dan Apple App Store
P/S: Anda juga boleh menjadi tenaga pengajar. Muat turun JMO Teacher di Google Play Store dan Apple App Store

JMO Jom Mengaji & Menuntut Ilmu Online is an app for learning and sharing of knowledge in Al-Quran (from Iqraa' until khatam Al-Quran) and Academics, anytime, anywhere, via one-to-one or lectures methods, online (via built-in video-calling features), at affordable prices. Mengaji means learn in Malay, or 'menuntut ilmu'. You can increase your knowledge, do revisions, and get clarifications from the knowledgeable Teachers. In Al-Quran, the ustaz and ustazah you hire will be able to teach you Al-Quran online, including tajwid. In Academics, the teachers will be able to guide you on many subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Accounts, History, English, BM, Mandarin, Tamil and Computer Programming. Download JMO Student in Apple App Store and Google Play Store
P/S: You can also become Teachers. Download JMO Teacher in Google Play Store and Apple App Store

Social media links:

Below are more information about JMO:
1What is JMO?JMO Jom Mengaji & Menuntut Ilmu Online is an app for sharing of knowledge in Al-Quran (from Iqraa' until khatam Al-Quran) and Academics, anytime, anywhere, via one-to-one or lectures methods, online (via built-in video-calling features), at affordable prices. Mengaji means learn in Malay, or 'menuntut ilmu'. You can increase your knowledge, do revision, and get clarifications from the knowledgeable Teachers. The learning sessions are through use of the built-in video call features, where you can connect to the Teachers at the scheduled date & time
2Categories/ SubjectsThere are two Categories, 'Al-Quran' and 'Academics':
1) In Al-Quran, the ustaz and ustazah you hire will be able to teach you Al-Quran online, including tajwid.
2) In Academics, the teachers will be able to guide you on many subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Accounts, History, English, BM, Mandarin, Tamil and Computer Programming
3How/ Learning MethodsThere are three ways you can learn:
1) Homepage 1-to-1 Automatic hiring- through this method, available teachers shall be automatically assigned to you according to your Category, Subjects & Level requirements, and you can hire the teacher either immediately/ instantly or at the preferred scheduled time
2) Teacher profile page Pre-Select hiring- through this method, you can select your own preferred teacher (from Top teachers/ Online Teachers (Nearby first)/ Favourites/ Search/ History), and you can hire the teacher either immediately/ instantly or at the preferred scheduled time
3) Lectures- through this method, you can learn from Teachers who conduct Lectures on various categories, subjects, levels and topics
4TeachersThe Teachers are knowledgeable in Subjects they teach. Students can also choose required Teachers by viewing their Qualifications, Score, Rating, Reviews etc
5PriceFor 1-to-1 Hiring & Lectures, the price is as per payment page
Students can pay using credit / debit card, internet banking, or deduct from collected Points
6Technical requirementiPhone with minimum iOS 12.0 or Android Phone with minimum OS 6.0 with front facing camera for video and voice chat. Headsets can be used
7RegistrationRegistration page. The page has:
1) Registration by Telephone number or Social media Facebook/ Google/ Apple -verification through SMS One-Time-PIN (OTP))
2) Fields to enter (mandatory): Name, Date of birth, Gender, Identification Card (IC) no, telephone number, email
3) Fields to enter (optional): School
4) Documents to upload (optional): Picture & IC copy (front & back)
8Home (main) pageThe page has:
1) The following buttons: 1-to1, 'Hire Now' and, 'Hire Later' and Lectures, 'Book a Lecture'
2) Current and 2 upcoming 1-to-1 and Lectures sessions with Connect buttons (for easy connection)
3) Top Teachers (1-to-1 and Lectures)
4) Total Available Teachers Online Now
5) Current Active Sessions for 1-to-1 and Lectures essions
6) My JMO sessions summary (no of session hours attended, and amount paid)
7) Bottom menu button consists of Home, My 1-to-1, Messages, My Lectures and Account
8) Others: Favorites, Search, Books
9Instant hiringThis is accessed through, 'Hire Now' button and will hire Teachers who have 'Available' indicator/ Online switched on. The button is accessible from Home page (automatic hiring) or Teacher profile (pre-Select Teacher). Selections are as follows:
1) Category dropdown (Al-Quran or Academics)
2) Subjects dropdown (if Al-Quran: Al-Quran, Iqraa', Islamic Studies, Arabic etc, if Academics: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Accounts, History, English, BM, Mandarin, Tamil, Computer Programming etc)
3) Level (if Al-Quran: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, if Academics: Primary, Secondary, iGCSE Primary, iGCSE Secondary, Adult)
10Scheduled hiringThis is accessed through, 'Hire Later' button and will hire Teachers who have Scheduled their availabilities. The button is accessible either from Home page (automatic hiring) or Teacher profile (pre-Select Teacher). Selections are as follows:
1) Category dropdown (Al-Quran or Academics)
2) Subjects dropdown (if Al-Quran: Al-Quran, Iqraa', Islamic Studies, Arabic etc, if Academics: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Accounts, History, English, BM, Mandarin, Tamil, Computer Programming etc)
3) Level (if Al-Quran: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, if Academics: Primary, Secondary, iGCSE Primary, iGCSE Secondary, Adult)
4) Schedule: choose preferred date and time
11Book a LectureLectures. The page has:
1) Scheduled lectures by dates, times, teacher's name, Category (Al-Quran & Academics), Lecture Title, Subject & Level, Teacher Lecture Score#2.
2) Book button
3) Filter button by Subjects & Level
12My 1-to-1This has Active (current & future), Past Hiring, and Rejected list tabs. The page has:
1) For both Active, Past and Rejected, it has Date, Time, Teacher's name, subject, level, payment method and date/time
2) For Active and Past, it has chat button. And according to the type:
a) If current active session, it has 'Connect' button to connect to Teacher,
b) If future session, it has 'Booked' indicator and countdown to session
3) For Past, it also has, 'Completion status' button where Student can indicate Completion status, indicator, 'Completed', 'Incomplete', 'Dispute' and, 'Forfeited', Tip teacher button, Rate & Review button
13My LecturesThis has Active (current & future) and Past Lectures tabs. The page has:
1) For both Active and Past, it has Date, Time, Teacher's name, Lecture Title, subject, level, payment method and date/time
2) For Active, it also has chat button. And according to the type:
a) If current active session, it has 'Connect' button to connect to Teacher,
b) If future session, it has 'Booked' indicator and countdown to session
3) For Past, it also has, 'Completion status' button where Student can indicate Completion status, indicator, 'Completed', 'Incomplete', 'Dispute' and, 'Forfeited', Tip teacher button, Rate & Review button
14FavoritesFavorites page has favorited teachers. The page has:
1) Teacher's picture, name of teacher, Score, Category (Al-Quran & Education), Subjects
2) Filter button to show available/online teachers only
15SearchSearch page can search by name. After entering name, and search button, the page has:
1) Teacher's picture, name of teacher, Score, Category (Al-Quran & Education), Subjects
16Top TeachersTop Teachers for 1-to-1 & Top Teachers for Lectures pages rank Teachers by highest 1-to-1 and Lecture Scores on top. Both have three tabs, All, Al-Quran and Academics. Pressing the Teacher picture opens the Teacher profile page, where you can know more about Teachers and hire 1-to-1 and Lecture sessions. You can also filter by 'Online Teachers Only' and Subjects
17Student Account/ Profile PageStudent Account/ Profile Page: The page has:
1) Non-editable details: Name, Date of birth, IC No, Gender
2) Editable Details: Picture, Telephone number (verification through SMS One-Time-PIN (OTP)), Email (verification through email), School, Address, upload IC Picture front and back
3) Transactions link (with Points total as of to-date)
4) Payment method registration/update/display
18Messages pageMessages page. This page has all notifications/ messages from Admin/ App etc, and Chat with Teachers
19ChatOnce you have hired a Teacher, you can discuss with Teacher using the Chat feature. You can discuss on topics you want the Teacher to teach you, clarify on difficult topics etc
20Teacher ProfileTeacher's Profile Page. The page has:
1) Teacher's picture, name of teacher, Description by teacher, Category (Al-Quran or Academics), Subjects, Level, Qualification, no of hours taught, Location, 1-to-1 Score#1, Lectures Score#2
2) Teacher's review by students
3) Teacher's availability/online indicator.
4) Favourite button. When pressed, the teacher goes into Student Favorite page, when pressed again, it is removed from Favorite page
5) 'Hire now', 'Hire later' and 'Book a Lecture' buttons
21Teacher Connected Duration (TCD)Teacher Connected Duration (TCD) is the duration Teacher is connected to the 1-to-1 or Lecture session. A session is automatically changed to 'Completed' if TCD is more than 59 minutes. If TCD is less than 59 minutes, the session is changed to 'Grace'. Refer to Completion Status below to know more about the various status available
22Completion Status- 1-to-1After the end of a session, the session shall indicate the Completion status as follows:
1) If TCD is more than 59 minutes, the session status shall automatically change to 'Completed'
2) If TCD is less than 59 minutes, the session status shall change to 'Grace'.

During 'Grace' stage (30 days max), Teacher & Student to try to complete session (balance hour) by whatever means necessary (like Google Meet/Zoom or if nearby, to do face-to-face session). During 'Grace' stage, you can provide your 'Completion status' feedback by going to 'My 1-to-1' page, 'Past hiring' tab, and pressing the, 'Completion status' button. You can do the following:
1) Please indicate as, 'Completed' if you and Teacher are able to complete the session by any other means, or are ok for session to be, 'Completed'
2) Please indicate as, 'Incomplete', if there is any dispute, and provide explanation of dispute (if any). The matter will be mediated/ investigated by Admin

If Teacher & Student are not able to complete session by whatever means necessary within one month, session shall automatically change to as follows:
1) ‘Completed’, if Teacher connected duration was more than 45 minutes,
2) 'Forfeited', if Teacher connected duration was between 15 to 45 minutes,
3) 'Incomplete', if Teacher connected duration was less than 15 minutes

On case-to-case basis, after investigation & mediation, & subject to Admin discretion, Admin shall indicate:
1) 'Completed', when it is decided that incomplete/ disruption/ interruption is initiated by Student,
2) 'Incomplete', when it is decided that incomplete/ disruption/ interruption is initiated by Teacher,
3) 'Forfeited', when it cannot be determined who initiated it, matter cannot be resolved by any other means, or due to Technical error (even though JMO tries its best to make the app as problem-free/ bug-free as possible).

Below are the status impact:
1) 'Completed': Student will earn Points. Teacher will earn commission and 1 hour record
2) 'Incomplete': Student will not earn point, but the session will be refunded in Points. Teacher will not earn commission, nor 1 hour record
3) 'Forfeited': Student will not earn Points, nor refunded. Teacher will not earn commission, nor 1 hour record
23Completion Status- LecturesAfter the end of a session, the session shall indicate the Completion status as follows:
1) If TCD is more than 59 minutes, the session status shall automatically change to 'Completed'
2) If TCD is less than 59 minutes, the session status shall change to 'Grace'.

During 'Grace' stage (30 days max), Teacher & Student to try to complete session (balance hour) by whatever means necessary (like Google Meet/Zoom or if nearby, to do face-to-face session). During 'Grace' stage, you can provide your 'Completion status' feedback by going to 'My 1-to-1' page, 'Past hiring' tab, and pressing the, 'Completion status' button. You can do the following:
1) Please indicate as, 'Completed' if you and Teacher are able to complete the session by any other means, or are ok for session to be, 'Completed'. If > 70% Students indicate, 'Completed', the session will become, 'Completed'
2) Please indicate as, 'Incomplete', if there is any dispute, and provide explanation of dispute (if any). The matter will be mediated/ investigated by Admin

If Teacher & Student are not able to complete session by whatever means necessary within one month, session shall automatically change to as follows:
1) ‘Completed’, if Teacher connected duration was more than 45 minutes,
2) 'Forfeited', if Teacher connected duration was between 15 to 45 minutes,
3) 'Incomplete', if Teacher connected duration was less than 15 minutes

On case-to-case basis, after investigation & mediation, & subject to Admin discretion, Admin shall indicate:
1) 'Completed', when it is decided that incomplete/ disruption/ interruption is initiated by Student,
2) 'Incomplete', when it is decided that incomplete/ disruption/ interruption is initiated by Teacher,
3) 'Forfeited', when it cannot be determined who initiated it, matter cannot be resolved by any other means, or due to Technical error (even though JMO tries its best to make the app as problem-free/ bug-free as possible).

Below are the status impact:
1) 'Completed': Student will earn Points. Teacher will earn commission and 1 hour record
2) 'Incomplete': Student will not earn point, but the session will be refunded in Points. Teacher will not earn commission, nor 1 hour record
3) 'Forfeited': Student will not earn Points, nor refunded. Teacher will not earn commission, nor 1 hour record
24PointsCollect points for every 1-to-1 and Lecture session attended. You can pay for 1-to-1 and Lecture sessions with the Points collected
25Teachers ScoreTeachers Score Calculation:

1-to-1 Score: Average Student Rating (50%), Highest Qualification (20%), Total no of hours taught in the past one month (10%), Acceptance rate for the past 20 requests (10%), Completion rate for the past 20 sessions (10%), Bonus HR= Total overall hours taught (1hour=0.0001 pt)
Lectures Score: Average Student Rating (50%), Highest Qualification (20%), Total no of hours taught in the past one month (10%), Average no of students attending lecture (10%), Completion rate for the past 20 sessions (10%), Bonus HR= Total overall hours taught (1hour=0.001 pt)
26Score in 'Available Teachers Online Now' & 'Favorites'Scores shown in 'Available Teachers Online Now' & 'Favorites' are for Category 1-to-1
27Category Al-QuranFor Category Al-Quran, you can read al-Quran & Iqraa' from the app itself
28Offline sessionIf you want to have offline learning session/ outside the app, to clarify on the subjects, we would appreciate if you can come back to the app to rate the teacher so that ratings and reviews can be recorded. This will update the ratings and scores of teachers, so that other students can get the best ratings representations of the teachers they are hiring. You will also continue collecting points. So, please do continue using the app to Hire teacher for each and every session you have with Teacher, including offline sessions
29Unsucessful hiringIf hiring is unsuccessful, the payment shall be refunded in Points, which can be used for future hiring
30Technical issuesJMO tries its best to make the app as problem-free/ bug-free as possible. However, if you are disconnected during session, try to reconnect by going to 'My Session' page, and clicking on the current session name. If reconnection is unsuccessful, or there are other technical problems with the app, wherever possible :
1) Try other meeting app, like Google meet or Zoom
2) If Teacher & Student are nearby, you can request to have a face-to-face meeting
Please try to complete the session the best you can, with whatever means necessary (use Chat feature for communication)
31Schedule IssueIf Teacher or Student have schedule issue, ie cannot have the session using the app built-in video-call feature, at the scheduled date & time:
1) Try to reschedule using other meeting app, like Google meet or Zoom
2) Or if Teacher & Student are nearby, you can request to have a face-to-face meeting at another mutually agreed date & time
Please try to complete the session the best you can, with whatever means necessary (use Chat feature for communication)
32Student Penalty- 1-to-1If Student is reported for abuse by Teacher, and validated by Admin, Student account will be Suspended/ Terminated depending on severity of abuse
33Teacher Penalty- 1-to-11) If Teacher Reject Student Requests, Teacher Acceptance rate will decrease
2) If Teacher do not complete sessions, Teacher Completion rate will decrease,
3) If Teacher Rejects or do not complete sessions multiple times, Admin has the right to Suspend or Terminate the Teacher, depending on frequency
4) If Teacher is reported for abuse by Student, and validated by Admin, Teacher account will be Suspended/ Terminated depending on severity of abuse
34Teacher Penalty- Lectures1) If Teacher do not complete sessions, Teacher Completion rate will decrease,
2) If Teacher do not complete sessions multiple times, Admin has the right to Suspend or Terminate the Teacher, depending on frequency
3) If Teacher is reported for abuse by Student, and validated by Admin, Teacher account will be Suspended/ Terminated depending on severity of abuse
35TipThe tip received is after JMO deduct the payment gateway charge according to payment method below:
Credit/debit card rate: 3.85%+RM0.30
FPX (internet banking) rate: 3% +RM1
36Phone/ tab setupFor best learning experience, it is recommended that the phone/ tab is setup in a holder/ stand or tripod
37BatteryIt is recommended that you have 100% battery charge while using the app, to ensure you can last the entire 1-hour session. It is not recommended that you connect the charger while in session to avoid overheating
38Data usageIt is recommended that you use wifi/ Unifi/ Streamyx to avoid high mobile data usage. If you use mobile data, please ensure you have enough mobile data balance for the session (1 hour of video call usually takes 500Mb of data)

Additional info for Teachers:
1TeachersWe seek knowledgeable teachers above 18 years old with minimum SPM certificates as proof. You need to score A in SPM or equivalent exams for the subjects you want to teach. Students would be able to choose required Teachers by looking at their qualifications, Score, Rating, Reviews etc
2Teachers- LecturesTo conduct a Lecture, Teacher must have indicator, ‘Can conduct Lecture’, ie must meet the following criteria:
1) Are Teachers or Lecturers by profession (please indicate, 'Teacher' or, 'Lecturer' in, 'Current Profession', and attach Teacher/Lecturer proof in Documents, or
2) Those with, 'PHD', 'Degree', 'Master' or, 'Hafiz/Hafizah' qualifications, or
3) Those who have approval by Admin (email Admin with detailed paperwork of Lecture subject or other proofs to educate)
3CommissionBy using the JMO app, Teacher agrees for JMO to collect payments on behalf of Teachers. Teacher shall earn 70% commission for all 'Completed' 1-to-1 and Lecture sessions
4Earnings and PayoutsEarnings and Payouts details are available in the app:
1) Earnings tab shows the list of commissions earned for all 'Completed' sessions. Earnings are held temporarily in Stripe (payment gateway company which collect the payments) before Payout is done
2) Payout tab shows the list of commissions transferred to Teacher bank account. Payout shall be done at the end of the month, and only if Teacher Stripe Earnings have accumulated to RM200 or more. If Earnings do not reach RM200, it shall be brought forward to the next month and so forth
5RegistrationRegistration page. The page has:
1) Registration by telephone number or Social media Facebook/ Google/ Apple -verification through SMS One-Time-PIN (OTP))
2) Fields to enter (mandatory): Picture, Name, Date of birth, Gender, Identification Card (IC), telephone number, email, Category & subcategory to apply for (checkbox), Qualification/certification/sijil hafiz, Educational institute, Experience, Current profession, Description by Teacher, Bank details
3) Documents to upload (mandatory): Picture, IC (front & back), Qualification/sijil hafiz certificates, and for Category Education, SPM results (or equivalent) to be attached
6Home pageThe page has:
1) Indicator button to turn on Available/Online and Offline indicator (when Online, students can hire)
2) The following buttons: Teacher Profile, My 1-to-1, My Lecture, Income details, Conduct Lecture, Messages, Books, Schedule availability, Promoted Teacher
3) Teacher status: Approved/ Rejected/ Under review, and Can Conduct Lecture status
4) Score 1-to-1, Score Lectures
5) Current Active sessions
6) Top Teachers
7Availability indicatorTeacher needs to turn on the 'Available' indicator to indicate your availability to Students. When a student hires, the app will search for teachers who meet the requirements, and ping the request to nearby Teachers. Teacher shall receive notification for hiring. Teachers who do not turn on the 'Available' indicator will be considered unavailable, and the app will not contact the Teacher. Please take note that when you turn on the, 'Available' indicator, you are stating that you are ready to teach anytime a student sends a request, so, please ensure that you are ready to teach, including dressing appropriately, in a suitable location, and free from distraction which might interrupt the session. In the same way that you need to turn on the 'Available' indicator when you want to teach, you should also turn it off, when you are not available, so that, you will not be called when you are not ready to teach.
Note: For Pre-select Scheduled Hiring, on top of 'Available' indicator, Schedule availability is another criteria added for hiring
8Teacher Account/ Profile PageAccount/ Profile Page: The page has:
1) Non-editable details: Name, Date of birth, IC No, Gender
2) Editable Details: Picture, Telephone number (verification through SMS One-Time-PIN (OTP)), Email (verification through email), School, Address, upload IC Picture front and back
3) Application to change Professional details, Subject/ Level to teach, Documents upload and Bank details
9Conduct lectures pageConduct lectures. This page is application to conduct lectures:
1) Teacher to specify: Category (Al-Quran & Education), Subcategory, Date,Time (must be minimum 2 weeks to allow Students time to book the session), Title (must include Standard/ Form and Topis), and Description. Teacher to attached Lecture content for Admin to review suitability of Lectures
2) Submit button- this sends to Admin for approval.
10Schedule availability pageTeacher can indicate Schedule availability. Student can hire Teacher based on Teacher Schedule availability. This page has:
1) Category (Al-Quran or Education), Subcategory
2) Date and time Teacher is available
11Promoted TeachersYou can apply to promote your Profile at reasonable price. Promoted Teachers will appear as top 3 in Top Teachers page. You can Promote yourself in Top Teachers (1-to-1) and Top Teachers (Lectures)

Teacher 1-to-1 Score Calculation:

Performance/ SubscoreR= Average Student RatingQ= Highest QualificationHR= Total no of hours taught in the past one monthAR= Acceptance rate for the past 20 requestsCR= Completion rate for the past 20 sessions
Weightage (%)5020101010
55PHD/ Masters/ Bachelors/ Hafiz(ah)>50>80%>95%
33SPM/ Sijil>30>60%>85%

Teacher Lecture Score Calculation:
Performance/ SubscoreR= Average Student RatingQ= Highest QualificationHR= Total no of hours lectured in the past one monthS= Average no of students attending lecture for past 20 sessionsCR= Completion rate for the past 20 sessions
Weightage (%)5020101010
55PHD/ Masters/ Bachelors/ Hafiz(ah)>20>100>95%
33SPM/ Sijil>10>25>85%


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