Ganjaran menarik untuk Student dan Teacher yang menaikkan profil JMO App/ Attractive rewards await Students and Teachers who can raise profile of JMO app

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera ustaz, ustazah dan Teacher, Student, harap semua sihat belaka😊 


Terima kasih kerana terus menyokong app JMO, Alhamdulillah. Kami berharap ramai Student telah mendapat ilmu yang baik menggunakan app JMO, dan Teacher boleh menjana pendapatan. Kami ingin terus meminta bantuan Student dan Teacher untuk mengembangkan app JMO, dan pada masa yang sama memberi ganjaran kepada semua atas sumbangan tersebut. Berikut ialah cara-cara Student dan Teacher untuk membantu mengembangkan App JMO, bersama-sama dengan ganjaran:

Nota: Semua bahan promosi seperti App Guide, video Demo, video lain, gambar, logo dan sebagainya yang boleh digunakan untuk aktiviti promosi dibawah boleh didapati di lokasi Google Drive di sini:


1) (Untuk Student dan Teacher): Pendaftaran dalam app 'JMO Student' dan 'JMO Teacher': 

a. Student: Selepas pendaftaran dalam 'JMO Student', 50 Points (bernilai RM50) akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Student yang boleh digunakan untuk hire Teacher. 

b. Teacher: Selepas pendaftaran dalam 'JMO Teacher', JMO akan memberi ganjaran 50 Points (bernilai RM50) yang akan diberikan kepada mana-mana Student pilihan Teacher. Teacher boleh meminta mana-mana Student untuk mendaftar dalam app 'JMO Student', dan hire Teacher (menggunakan mata yang diberikan) untuk mana-mana mata pelajaran 1-to-1. Sebaik sahaja sesi 1 jam tamat, dan status 'Completed' dicapai, Teacher akan mendapat komisyen 70%, iaitu RM35 dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Teacher. Ini juga adalah sebagai latihan/percubaan untuk pengajaran masa depan dalam app JMO. 


2) (Untuk Student dan Teacher): Perkenalkan app 'JMO Student' kepada Student baru 

a. Student: Bagi setiap Student baru yang diperkenalkan, 10 Points (bernilai RM10) akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Student yang boleh digunakan untuk hire Teacher. Sila kongsi nama dan nombor telefon Student dan bukti perkenalan dengan JMO (contohnya screenshot WA)

a. Teacher: Bagi setiap Student baru yang diperkenalkan, 10 Points (bernilai RM10) akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Student pilihan Teacher yang boleh digunakan untuk hire Teacher. Sila kongsi nama dan nombor telefon Student dan bukti perkenalan dengan JMO (contohnya screenshot WA)


3) (Untuk Student dan Teacher): Perkenalkan app 'JMO Teacher' kepada Teacher baru 

a. Student: Bagi setiap Teacher baru yang diperkenalkan, 10 Points (bernilai RM10) akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Student yang boleh digunakan untuk hire Teacher. Sila kongsi nama dan nombor telefon Teacher dan bukti perkenalan dengan JMO (contohnya screenshot WA)

b. Teacher: Bagi setiap Teacher baru yang diperkenalkan, 10 Points (bernilai RM10) akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Student pilihan Teacher yang boleh digunakan untuk hire Teacher. Sila kongsi nama dan nombor telefon Teacher dan bukti perkenalan dengan JMO (contohnya screenshot WA)


4) (Untuk Student dan Teacher): Kongsi video promosi JMO dalam Instagram Student dan Teacher. Selepas menyiarkan dalam Instagram, sila maklumkan kepada JMO nama @ Instagram untuk pengesahan JMO, dan 50 Points (bernilai RM50) akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Student yang boleh digunakan untuk hire Teacher (untuk Teacher, ia akan dimasukkan ke akaun Student pilihan Teacher)

Nota1: Boleh juga boleh kongsi semua video promosi JMO yang terdapat dalam Google drive JMO diatas dan dapatkan ganjaran sama berulang-ulang (maksimum lima seorang)

Nota2: Untuk Teacher: boleh juga kongsi video promosi JMO yang mempunyai profil Teacher ditambahkan pada penghujung video dalam orientasi Whatsapp


5) (Untuk Student dan Teacher): Cuba dapatkan ustaz, ustazah, ilmuan, pendidik, artis dan selebriti (selepas ini dipanggil PROMOTER) yang boleh menggunakan aplikasi JMO seperti yang dilakukan oleh Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, Imam Muda Najdi, Fizi Ali dan Mawi dalam video berikut,,, dan dan rakam penggunaan video. PROMOTER boleh menggunakan aplikasi JMO untuk sesi 1-ke-1, Lecture, dan apa sahaja yang berkisar tentang JMO (boleh menggunakan kreativiti masing-masing) dengan butiran di bawah:

Kelayakan adalah PROMOTER yang mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 300,000 pengikut di Instagram.

Anda dikehendaki menerangkan tentang aplikasi JMO kepada PROMOTER, dan membuat video atau membuat Lecture dalam app. Tempoh video sekurang-kurangnya 2 minit, dan video mesti disiarkan di Instagram PROMOTER. PROMOTER juga boleh membuat IG Live

Bayaran kepada PROMOTER adalah maksimum RM500 untuk promosi yang dibuat.

Apabila video telah disiarkan di Instagram PROMOTER, sila kongsi video dengan JMO, maklumkan Instagram @ PROMOTER, dan sertakan resit pembayaran / tangkapan skrin pindahan bank kepada PROMOTER. JMO akan membayar balik pembayaran kepada PROMOTER berdasarkan resit/ tangkapan skrin (maksimum RM500)

Ganjaran adalah RM200 untuk aktiviti di atas. Jika bayaran kepada PROMOTER kurang daripada RM500, baki akan diberikan kepada anda. Contohnya, jika bayaran kepada PROMOTER ialah RM300, baki RM200 (dari bajet RM500) akan diberikan kepada anda, jadi, jumlah ganjaran kepada anda ialah RM400.


6) (Untuk Student dan Teacher): JMO menjemput content creator untuk membuat content untuk media sosial JMO. Semua boleh kongsi content tersebut di WA Group JMO Teacher, atau WA JMO Admin sendiri di 0176591801 untuk pertimbangan JMO. Content perlu yang original (tidak pernah dibuat sebelumnya). Bayaran adalah bulanan ke akaun bank. Ganjarannya adalah seperti berikut:

a. RM10 setiap satu imej + caption berkaitan dengan JMO

b. RM30 setiap video + caption yang dibuat berkaitan JMO


7) (Untuk Student dan Teacher): Dapatkan 1,000 Likes untuk posts Instagram/ YouTube tentang JMO, dan dapatkan ganjaran RM50. Nota: Sila dapatkan Like dengan betul (maksimum 5 posts)


8) (Untuk Teacher): Teacher mencapai sasaran di bawah untuk mendapatkan ganjaran: 

a. 1-to-1: Capai 10 sesi 1-to-1 (jumlah 10 jam), dan dapatkan ganjaran RM150. Nota: Harga sesi 1-ke-1 untuk Student ialah RM50 sejam. Komisyen Teacher ialah 70% atau RM35. Jadi, komisyen untuk 10 orang ialah RM350. Ditambah dengan ganjaran RM150, jumlah pendapatan apabila mencapai 10 Student ialah RM500

b. Lecture: Capai seramai 100 Student yang menghadiri Lecture JMO Teacher, dan mendapat ganjaran RM300. Nota: Harga sesi Lecture untuk Student ialah RM20 sejam. Komisen Teacher ialah 70% atau RM14. Jadi, komisyen untuk 100 orang ialah RM1,400. Ditambah dengan ganjaran RM300, jumlah pendapatan apabila mencapai 100 Student ialah RM1,700

c. Mencapai Skor 4.8 dan ke atas dalam 1-to-1 atau Lecture dalam app 'JMO Teacher', dan dapatkan ganjaran RM500


👉 Sila hubungi JMO Admin di 0176591801 apabila sudah mencapai target / selesai tugasan diatas. Admin akan mengesahkan menggunakan JMO system, Instagram/YouTube profile (sila beritahu Admin nama profil dan sebagainya), atau apa-apa cara pengesahan lain. Selepas pengesahan dibuat, ganjaran akan di bank in kan ke akaun bank 

JMO berharap dapat terus menyebarkan ilmu Al-Quran dan Akademik bersama rakyat Malaysia, guru dapat menjana pendapatan, dan dapat sama2 membantu mengembangkan app JMO, InsyaAllah. Jika perlukan sebarang maklumat lanjut, sila maklumkan

Nota: Pihak JMO berhak menukar perkara diatas pada bila-bila masa 

Bantuan semua amat kami hargai



Assalamualaikum and good day Ustaz, Ustazah, Teachers and Students, hope you are well 

Thank you for continuing to support app JMO. We hope many Students have gained good knowledge learning using JMO app, and Teachers can earn income. We would like to continue requesting for assistance from all Students and Teacher to expand JMO app, and at the same time rewarding all for the contributions. Below are the ways to contribute to JMO App along with the rewards:

Note: All App Guide, Demo videos, promotional materials such as videos, pictures, logos and so on that can be used for activities mentioned below are available in this Google Drive location:


1) (For Student dan Teacher): Registration in 'JMO Student' and 'JMO Teacher':

a. Student: Upon registration in 'JMO Student', 50 points (worth RM50) will be awarded to Student that Student can use to hire Teacher.

b. Teacher: Upon registration in 'JMO Teacher', JMO shall award 50 points (worth RM50) to any of Teachers' student of choice. Teacher can ask any of Teacher's students to register in 'JMO Student' app, and hire Teacher (using the awarded points) for any 1-to-1 subjects. Once the 1-hour session ends, and status 'Completed' is achieved, Teacher shall earn the 70% commission, ie RM35 shall be deposited into Teacher's account. This shall also act as training/ trial-run for future teachings in JMO app


2) (For Student dan Teacher): Introduce 'JMO Student' to new Students:

a. Student: For every new Student introduced, 10 points (worth RM10) will be awarded to Student that Student can use to hire Teacher. To identify the Student and share with JMO the name and telephone number and proof of connection/ relation (example WA screenshot)

b. Teacher: For every new Student introduced, JMO shall award 10 points (worth RM10) to any of Teachers' student of choice, which can be used to hire Teacher. To identify the Student and share with JMO the name and telephone number and proof of connection/ relation (example WA screenshot) 


3) (For Student dan Teacher): Introduce 'JMO Teacher' to new Teachers:

a. Student: For every new Teacher introduced, 10 points (worth RM10) will be awarded to Student that Student can use to hire Teacher. To identify the Teacher and share with JMO the name and telephone number and proof of connection/ relation (example WA screenshot)

b. Teacher: For every new Teacher introduced, JMO shall award 10 points (worth RM10) to any of Teachers' student of choice, which can be used to hire Teacher. To identify the Teacher and share with JMO the name and telephone number and proof of connection/ relation (example WA screenshot) 


4) (For Student dan Teacher): To promote JMO promotional videos in Student and Teacher Instagram. After posting in Instagram, please inform JMO your @ Instagram name for our verification, and 10 points (worth RM10) will be awarded to Student that Student can use to hire Teacher (for Teacher, it will be awarded to any of Teachers' student of choice)

Note#1: Student and Teacher can also promote all other JMO promotional materials available in JMO Google drive above and get same reward repeatedly (maximum 5)

Note#2: For Teacher: Teacher can also share Teacher's video promotion which has Teacher profile added at the end of the video, shared during Teacher WA orientation


5) (For Student dan Teacher): To engage educators, artists and celebrities (hereinafter called PROMOTER) who can use the JMO app as done by Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, Imam Muda Najdi, Fizi Ali and Mawi in following videos:,,, and and record the video usage. PROMOTER can use JMO app for 1-to-1 sessions, Lecture, paid review and anything revolving around JMO (can use teacher creativity) with below details:

Eligibility is a PROMOTER who has at least 300,000 followers on Instagram.

You are required to explain about the JMO app to the PROMOTER, and to make a video or do Lecture in the app. The duration of the video is at least 2 minutes, and the video must be posted on PROMOTER's Instagram or do IG Live

Payment to the PROMOTER is a maximum of RM500 for the promotion made.

When the video has been posted on Instagram PROMOTER, please share the video with us, inform the PROMOTER's Instagram @, and include the payment receipt / screenshot of bank transfer to PROMOTER. JMO will reimburse for payments to PROMOTER based on receipts/ screenshots (maximum RM500)

The reward is RM200 for the above activities. If the payment to the PROMOTER is less than RM500, the balance will be given to you. For example, if the payment to the PROMOTER is RM300, the remaining RM200 (from the RM500 budget) will be given to you, so, the total reward to you is RM400.


6) (For Student dan Teacher): Content creation for JMO social media: We are inviting Students and Teachers to create content for JMO. You can provide your proposal in JMO Teacher WA group or directly WA 0176591801, for JMO consideration. The content must be original, ie ones that have never been done previously. The rewards will be banked in on monthly basis. The rewards are as follows:

a. RM10 per JMO-related image + caption created 

b. RM30 per JMO-related video + caption created


7) (For Student dan Teacher): Get 1,000 Likes for Instagram/ YouTube posts about JMO, and get a reward of RM50. Note: Please get the Like correctly (maximum 5 posts)


8) (For Teacher): Teacher achieving targets below to get rewarded:

a. 1-to-1: Achieve 10 nos 1-to-1 JMO sessions (total 10 hours), and get a reward of RM150. Note: 1-to-1 session price for Students is RM50 per hour. Teacher commission is 70% or RM35. So, the commission for 10 people is RM350. Coupled with the reward of RM150, the total income when achieving 10 students is RM500

b. Lecture: Achieve a total of 100 students who attend Teacher's JMO Lecture, and get a reward of RM300. Note: Lecture session price for Student is RM20 per hour. Teacher commission is 70% or RM14. So, the commission for 100 people is RM1,400. Coupled with the reward of RM300, the total income when achieving 100 students is RM1,700

c. Achieve a Score of 4.8 and above in 1-to-1 or Lecture as a Teacher in app JMO, and get a reward of RM500


👉 Please contact JMO Admin at 0176591801 when you have reached the above targets/ completed tasks above. Admin will verify through JMO system, Teachers Instagram/YouTube profile (please notify Admin the profile name etc), or other means necessary. After confirmation is made, the reward will be banked in to the Teachers' bank account

JMO hope to continue spread knowledge of Al-Quran and Academics with Malaysians, Teachers earn income, and can help app JMO grow. If you need any further info, please do inform. 


Note: JMO reserves the right to change and update any of the items above and will be updated here


Your help is greatly appreciated


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